June 10th, 2009
Our first rest day. We were pumped. Even though we didn’t manage to get to bed till 2.00 the night before hand we didn’t get up till 10.00. The night before we had been joined by Damian’s friend Jason
who was going to be our support crew for a week, as well as Damian’s friend Robert
who was riding the first set of mountain stages with us. It was really good to have a different dynamic to the group.
That day we’d planned to have a chiropractic appointment before making up the 30k’s from the day before. Damian’s friend Brock is a chiropractor in Barcelona and he’d kindly donated his time for the whole team to give us an adjustment. It was perfect timing because I was very keen for him to check out my leg.
The rest of the afternoon was taken up with trying to sort out my leg. We found a chemist who was very keen to help and who spoke English. In fact he spoke English so well that he spent about half an hour showing us the different areas of Barcelona that spoke Catalonian (to the point where he drew us a map). I walked away armed with products to help me get through the next day. I had a leg brace and muscle cream and I was certain that that was the end of my leg upsetting my little apple cart.
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